The gasification laboratory focuses on research and development in the field of fluidised bed gasification of biomass, alternative fuels and selected types of waste. Research activities aim at research in the gasification of various types of fuels and gasification media, research in the field of purification of produced energy gas and, last but not least, on research into the combustion of low-calorific gas.
Experimental research takes place on the atmospheric fluid gasification generator BIOFLUID in the premises of FME BUT Brno. The device is capable of gasifying biomass, alternative fuel and waste in the form of pellets, wood chips, crumbs up to a size of about 2-3 cm. Several alternatives can be used as gasification media: air, water vapour, oxygen, flue gases and, of course, combinations of the media mentioned above. The technology enables precise dosing of individual media and realisation of precisely defined mixtures. All media, including steam, can be preheated to temperatures up to 600 °C.
As part of development and research, we focus on testing new fuels, but especially on the effect of operating conditions on gas composition and impurity content.
The experimental unit is further equipped with a barrier catalytic filter, which uses dolomite fillers for gas cleaning and tar cracking. As part of the research on gas cleaning, the facility also repeatedly underwent research and development in the field of cleaning with wet gas scrubbers with water and organic solvents. One of the outputs of the research is, among other things, a pilot plant for wet washing.

The produced gas can be combusted in a connected uncooled combustion chamber, equipped with temperature and pressure field measurements. The chamber makes it possible to monitor the conditions of the combustion process. The chamber is equipped with a vortex burner with a three-level supply of a precisely defined amount of combustion air. The chamber is mainly used for research into the combustion of low-calorific gas, especially concerning the stability of combustion and the amount of emissions produced.

For the implementation of tests, we can mechanically modify the supplied fuel in a reasonable amount by crushing, or also pelletising or briquetting.
For fuels, we also provide a fundamental fuel analysis - see the Fuel Laboratory, which can also be supplemented by an analysis of the thermal decomposition of fuel using TGA technology.
During the measurement, we monitor the on-line composition of the gas (CO, CO2, CxHY, H2, O2) and perform standard sampling for detailed off-line analysis using gas chromatography. We also take tar samples by capture in organic solvents and subsequent analysis using a chromatograph. More in the description of the instrumentation.
We offer
- Research and development in the field of fluidised bed gasification, including mathematical models
- Gasification tests of various types of solid fuels, including fuel analysis
- Gasification tests using different media (air, water vapour, oxygen, enriched air and their combinations)
- Research and development in the field of purification of produced gas by wet and dry, catalytic method
- Research and development in the field of low calorific gas combustion
- Consultations in the field of solid fuel gasification and energy use of biomass and waste
- Sampling and analysis of gaseous gasification products and tars
- Thematic lectures
Many devices are used in measurement, research and development:
- Atmospheric fluid gasification generator Biofluid with an output of 100 kW
- Hot dolomitic gas filter
- JPE 200 pelletiser and material crusher
- Thermogravimetric analyser (TGA) Jupiter 449 F3 – NETZSCH
- On-line gas analyser
- Gas combustion chamber
- Electric steam generator up to 600 °C
- Flue gas analyser
- MASTER gas chromatograph for tar analysis
- PERKIN ELMER and HPST 8811 gas chromatograph for gas analysis
- Equipped fuel laboratory - see. Fuel laboratory.
More detailed information about these devices can be found in the list of equipment.
Selected implemented projects
- Project OP VVV – Research centre for low-carb energy technologies, realised: January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2022
- TH02030120, Thermal processing of remains of dry fermentation, realised: January 1, 2017 – February 29, 2020
- TH02020032 - Development of technology for the purification and treatment of synthesis gas, realised: January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2019
- Czech Science Foundation GA101/06/0650: Research into producer gas cleaning
- Doctoral project: “Energy from biomass”, GAČR101/03/H064
- EUREKA OE 146: Hot filter for cleaning gas produced by gasification
- Czech Science Foundation, GA101/04/1278: Biomass energy parameters
- Research plan of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports No. MSM 0021630502 "Ecologically and energetically controlled systems of waste and biomass processing"
- Contract research - Test of gasification of pyrolysis residue from agropellets in a steam gasifier with the addition of steam - AXIOM TECH s.r.o
Selected publications and results
- VAVŘÍKOVÁ, P.; BALÁŠ, M.; ELBL, P.; LISÝ, M.; MILČÁK, P.; KRACÍK, P.; SITEK, T. Syngas Cleaning Using Wet Scrubber with Water and Organic Liquid. In 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. EUROPEAN BIOMASS CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION PROCEEDINGS. ETA Florence, 2019. s. 881-887. ISBN: 978-88-89407-19-6. ISSN: 2282-5819.
- VAVŘÍKOVÁ, P.; ELBL, P.; BALÁŠ, M.; LISÝ, M.; MILČÁK, P. Design of Syngas Cleaning by Wet Scrubber. TOP2018, 24th annual International Scientific Conference. M. Horvát. Bratislava: SPEKTRTUM STU, 2018. s. 35-35. ISBN: 978-80-227-4835-3.
- BALÁŠ, M.; LISÝ, M.; MILČÁK, P.; POSPÍŠIL, J. Assessment of four ways of gas purification by biomass gasification. In European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. 2018. ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2018. s. 688-693. ISBN: 978-88-89407-18-9.
- ELBL, P.; LISÝ, M.; BALÁŠ, M.; MILČÁK, P.; VAVŘÍKOVÁ, P. Gasification of Biodegradable Wastes. TOP2018, 24th annual International Scientific Conference. M. Horvát. Bratislava: SPEKTRTUM STU, 2018. s. 8-8. ISBN: 978-80-227-4835-3.
- BALÁŠ, M.; LISÝ, M.; MILČÁK, P.; POSPÍŠIL, J. Influence of steam temperature on biomass gasification process. Waste forum, 2018, č. 5, s. 372-378. ISSN: 1804-0195
- BALÁŠ, M.; LISÝ, M.; KRACÍK, P.; POSPÍŠIL, J. Municipal solid waste gasification within waste- to energy processing. MM Science Journal, 2017, roč. 2, č. 2, s. 1783-1788. ISSN: 1805-0476.
- BALÁŠ, M.; LISÝ, M.; POSPÍŠIL, J. Steam Biomass Gasification - Effect of Temperature. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2016, č. 832, s. 49-54. ISSN: 1662-7482.
Selected Master’s and Bachelor’s theses
In the implementation of research and development activities, we try to cooperate with Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students, where the result of cooperation are quality diploma theses. When working on their theses, students have the opportunity to use the facilities and equipment of the laboratory, to participate in the implementation of research projects, establish contact with industrial partners and gain a range of practical knowledge on the measurement and development of combustion technologies:
- DUBINOVÁ, Petra. Zplyňování biomasy v kyslíkové atmosféře. Brno, 2019. Diplomová práce. Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, Energetický ústav. Vedoucí práce Marek Baláš.
- BUDAI, K. Zplyňování biomasy v atmosféře se zvýšeným obsahem oxidu uhličitého. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2019. 68 s. Vedoucí diplomové práce doc. Ing. Marek Baláš, Ph.D..
- VYPUŠŤÁKOVÁ, V. Atmosferické zplyňování biomasy s přídavkem kyslíku a vodní páry. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2019. 71 s. Vedoucí diplomové práce doc. Ing. Marek Baláš, Ph.D..
- ELBL, P. Optimalizace podmínek zplyňování biologicky rozložitelných odpadů. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2018. 69 s. Vedoucí diplomové práce Ing. Martin Lisý, Ph.D.
- VAVŘÍKOVÁ, P. Návrh čištění energoplynu mokrou metodou. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2018. 86 s. Vedoucí diplomové práce doc. Ing. Marek Baláš, Ph.D.
- KUBÍK, M. Návrh čištění odpadních plynů. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2018. 95 s. Vedoucí diplomové práce doc. Ing. Marek Baláš, Ph.D.
- HNILIČKOVÁ, V. Zplyňování drcených dřevotřísek. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2012. 57 s. Vedoucí diplomové práce Ing. Martin Lisý, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Marek Baláš, Ph.D.
Energy Institute, FME BUT
tel.: +420 541 142 583
Ing. Martin Lisý, Ph.D.
Energy Institute, FME BUT
tel.: +420 541 142 582